Green Bikini by Abbi Secraa
Summer leaves already, it's time to go back home.
Hey, I still have something for you from a sunny beach - for my real connoisseurs of big natural breasts, my Members !!!
You surely have noticed that my breasts are very heavy. Thanks to all who offered me a relaxing massage. I really need that very often and regularly. Running even in a bra is a risky thing for me. It happened that a clasp fastening the bra from behind could not withstand the weight of my bust and was ripped off. Bra straps were falling off my shoulders immediately!
Several days ago I was running for you on the beach in my green bikini. Today when writing this intro I fell the heaviness of my bouncing breasts. Running was hard for me ,but the thought you would have a pleasurable moments from that was making me more convinced. I may say that you, my Lovely Members , took the pain away and bring me the pleasure from the awareness of your needs !
When I was bending down and camera was very close to my hanging breast and the point where my legs meet my body was shivered with the thought you can be so close to me ! This enjoyable shiver was increased by the fact I was hardly able to cover my body as the bikini was made from the very stingy amount of material. In secret I may tell you I was feeling almost naked in front of you ….!
When I was lying on the beach and the sand stuck to my body I was feeling so natural and wild. Covering my body with the sticky sand was very exciting for me …. I am thinking of you very often, you are important to me, my awareness of your needs brings me the pleasure. It makes the posing for you as my passion.
Green Bikini by Abbi Secraa – made in passion !
Kisses Abbi

Larry S
abbi we thank you for the moment of pleasure and sorry for your pain. we trust you are doing better
Abbi Secraa
Dear Larry,
I am used to this pain , I have to carry these heavy breasts from morning till night;)
Thank you for your care.
Kisses Yours Abbi
Dear Abbi
Just watched your new Green Bikini video - absolutely stunning!!! You have made my day!
You are absolutely sensational - what a body! So pleased that you have decided to show us your body.
I would love to meet you in real life. You seem such a nice person.
All the best and keep up the great work,
Abbi Secraa
Dear Stephen,
thank you soo much for compliments !
I am proud to have such gentelman as my Member !
Kisses Yours Abbi
Abbi, you goddess, you take the chill out of a September morning. You bring so much pleasure, don't stop and if you need support for your breasts then help is at hand..with both hands. A
Abbi Secraa
Dear Alistair,
great to hear that a took the chill out of your September morning !!!
Thank you for your offer to support my breasts ;) Sweet offer indeed !
Kisses Yours Abbi
J.M. B.
Abbi cariño,
Since the very first message you answered to me ....there is an eternal summer in my heart !
And of course seeing movies like this help me a lot to feel your warm! specially in the winter days...because you are sooo hot !!!
It´s so exciting see you walking on the beach ! ( Uff ! again .... I have been hypnotized by the vision of your lovely belly buttom !!! )
I want to stay forever with you on the sand !!!! ;)
ps.Yes, this movie is made in passion...but you are made in heaven !!!
Yours sincerely,
Hello Abbi
Your videos are just amazing every time. Love how your huge breasts look in that bikini. And please make more videos where you are running. Its always a pleasure to see you run :)
Dear Abbi
what an amazing video and it looks like you had so much fun doing it did you gave a long day at the beech that day
we never see you have an actual swim would it be possible to see you have a swim in that bekini or topless .Thanx for sharing your amazing body with us
Abbi Secraa
Dear Deon,
I will try to swim some day for you My Dear!
Kisses Abbi
Argel R. L.
More than see you running, I like see you just walking. And smiling… Speaking of nudity: What abou a shoot with a monokini? All your perfect figure in nearly no such bath wear material!! We want more Abbi Secraa and less clothes. Wish you happy days like what I have seeing this clip. Thank you for your dedication andpassion.
daniel a o
I'm finally a member! :) I must admit, you have the most amazing body and are so beautiful. Wish I could find an elegant and naturally gorgeous woman as you. But I live in America where all the women are annorexic or plastic. I'm a proud member and can't wait to see more updates :)
Abbi Secraa
Dear Daniel,
thank you very very much for your compliments which are appreciated by me !
I am sure there are many many beautiful women in your country too!
I am very excited that you have a lot of natural features in me !
Kisses Yours Abbi
richard p
This is my favorite one so far. I am so thankful that you are sharing your amazing gifts with us. You are so generous in dealing with great pain for our pleasure. I would love to meet you in person some day. Will you ever travel to the USA?
Your biggest fan,
Richard P.
Abbi Secraa
Thank you Richard for your comment.
Really really appreciate this !
Ps. I am sorry but not traveling to the US:(
Kisses Yours Abbi
wow as if handcrafted by god. to be so beautiful,bold,courageus, and sexy. wish there were more like you.
Abbi Secraa
Kisses thank you Kevin
this is you in all your glory . i'll never stop subscribing aslong as you wear bikinis.
Abbi Secraa
;) Kiss Abbi
C Munk
Thank you for the bikini video! I am a very big fan and I love to see your breasts in bikinis that are WAY too small. I find it such a turn on. Thank you.
Anthony A Jeffers
Abbi it's always a pleasure anytime I have the opportunity to see you! I have been a long time fan and when I found out you had a website, it was like a dream come true! I have a request. Would you consider doing a scene in a tight tube top? Maybe running or hopping? But I wouldn't want you to do it if it's painful to you in any way!! That would be every man's fantasy!!